
Hallmark Career’s training department is always ready to assist candidates in upgrading their skills, and credentials should they have a need for it. Our team is well versed in recognizing the obstacles that candidates face when they arrive from abroad as internationally trained candidates.  Hallmark Career strives in making the journey of internationally trained candidates as efficient, and pleasant as possible 

hallmarkcareer up-grading

We have programs for:Academic Upgrading / College Prep for potential Undergrad students and The program is suitable for students who just passed a High School and are looking to upgrade their skills or students with an undergraduate degree looking to upgrade their skills. 

leadership (1)
“Learning never exhausts the mind.” 

 ― Leonardo davincy 
“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” 

 ― Aristotle
“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” 

 ― John F. Kennedy